Volunteer Opportunities

To volunteer for a specific event, visit the  Events Page and click on the event.

Volunteers are very important to the ministries at Living Word! 

Please take this survey to match you with compatible service opportunities:   Things I Like to Do   


Assist with our worship services by becoming a greeter, usher, communion assistant, Altar Guild volunteer, lector, Assisting Minister, mid-day worship assistant (funerals), audio visual support, or early Sunday morning volunteer (unlock doors, turn on lights, and prep coffee).

Worship Volunteer Signup

Contact: Ephraim Danforth  

for Lutheran World Relief

The Baby Care Kit Ministry is a part of Lutheran World Relief’s outreach to babies and small children to give them a good start in life.  Shop garage sales and resale stores for low-cost children’s clothing sizes 6 months through 2 years. Hem receiving blankets and prepare baby quilts for shipment and distribution by Lutheran World Relief. 

Contact: Nancy Tuttle 


This team arranges for fellowship functions when there is a death in the congregation.

Contact: Ephraim Danforth 


Care Team volunteers become the hands and feet of Jesus by reaching out and visiting members of our church family who are homebound, living in assisted living/nursing homes or hospitalized.  They offer the gifts of Holy Communion, comfort, fellowship, prayer and Christ’s love.  Contact the Care Team if you are interested in becoming a member or if you are aware of someone who would welcome a visit.

Learn More About Care Team at Living Word  

Contact: Judy Jones or Sue Carlson 


On Sundays, following worship, the Children's Ministry Bags need to be re-set with any items that may be missing.  We would appreciate volunteers that would be willing to spend 20 to 30 minutes a week to do this either as a family or an individual.


Contact: Mark Dellagiacoma  


Provide administrative assistance (sorting medicine samples, answering the phone) so the medical staff can focus on patient care. The clinic offers free medical services to the uninsured in Katy. Spanish translators are needed also.

Contact: Christ Clinic


To assure that the church buildings, records and assets are secured and prepared in the event of a natural disaster. The team will work with the Director of Church Operations to review and update procedures, and insurance coverage each year prior to the start of hurricane season.

Contacts:  Mick Will or John Hopkins 


Opportunities include Confirmation Guides, Youth Group Sponsors, Adult Faith Formation Leaders, meals for youth events, and Sunday School snacks.

Contact:  281-392-2300


The Gathering Place, a Living Word Outreach Ministry, partners with Care Partners of Texas to host this themed event on the third Thursday of the month.  The Gathering guests have beginning to moderate memory loss and these few hours offer the caregiver a worry-free respite from the stress of everyday life and time away from caregiving responsibilities while their loved ones attend.

The Gathering Place is held from 10:00am to 1:00pm in The Life Center.  We sing, play games, have musical interactive entertainment, exercise, share a meal and experience God's love through our relationships with each other as volunteer servants to our care partners.  Our team meets the day before The Gathering at 1:00pm to set up and decorate the space based on our monthly theme.  Each month, volunteers dedicate their time, service and compassion to our care partners and this valuable ministry.

Contact: Ken Skogen or Rochelle Lamport  


Opportunities include meals for special events, Sunday morning hospitality, Dinner Church meal contributions, bereavement.

Contact:  281-392-2300


Supported by a coalition of Katy area churches, a food pantry, resale shops, job assistance, domestic abuse and other services are available to those in crisis. Volunteers can sort donations at the resale shops.

Contact: KCM Administration Office, 281-391-5261


LCFBC is expanding its volunteer needs in the Fort Bend community.  Tutors are needed to teach for 1.5 hours twice a week.  Free training is provided, and no experience is required.  If you are interested in training to be a tutor, contact the Literacy Council for information about when and where the next training will be held.



The Little Free Library can be found in the church lobby every Sunday.  We are looking for volunteers that can help curate the library and organize the books into categories.  This would take less than 30 minutes a week and could be done as a family or an individual.


Contact: Mark Dellagiacoma 


Everyone needs a little help now and then, and giving meals has always been a way to show love and support through any hard time. Babies, bereavement, broken bones, and any other event that takes its toll on someone; we will feed you through it all! If you would like to sign up to bring food (or even send a gift card for Door Dash), click the button below to fill out the form and we will add you to the Meal Train Email List. You will get an email whenever a meal train has begun and can choose a day to help. If you can't help that time around, no worries!



Assist with various tasks in the church office as needed such as answering the phone, receptionist duties, preparing mailings, data entry and other general office duties.

Contact:  281-392-2300


In 1 Timothy 2:1, St. Paul writes: “I urge that supplications, prayer, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all men.” This team is the spiritual alarm system of the church that communicates and takes prayerful action on behalf of individuals, the congregation, the nation and the world.
Spiritual gifts of faith, prayer and mercy are the foundation of this type of service. Confidentiality is imperative. Participants should have a well-developed personal prayer life and a commitment to praying for others.  The time involved is a minimum of 10 minutes a day, depending on the number of requests.

Contact: Carol Schaudt


“That their hearts may be encouraged as they are knit together in love.” Colossians 2:2
Prayer shawls are made by volunteers who combine knitting and crocheting into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace. The group meets twice a month to pray for the recipients, share God’s Word, and join their hearts in fellowship.
In many different faith traditions over the centuries, prayer shawls are symbolic of being wrapped in the embrace of a loving God. Many prayers and blessings are woven into every shawl. Anyone who knows someone who is facing a long-term illness, has experienced a loss or is undergoing surgery and recovery is invited to take a shawl to that person. They are stored in the church lobby, with a notebook to sign so the recipient will continue to be lifted up in prayer. Yarn is also available with pattern suggestions.
Testimonial: “The large, soft shawl is a gift that I will use daily. The chemotherapy that I am currently taking makes me feel cold all of the time. God has blessed me with your prayers for healing and peace.”

Contact: Kathy Aaron 


Help to create a positive atmosphere for worship and gatherings by maintaining an attractive and clean facility that is welcoming to all. Team members may choose to only do repairs within their scope of expertise, for example electrical or plumbing repairs, painting, landscaping, etc.

Contact: John Hopkins or 281-392-2300

QUILTS for Lutheran World Relief – Piecemakers

Create quilts that are used for warmth, protection and shelter by those less fortunate throughout the world! Help is needed to cut fabric from templates, sew pieces together making a quilt top, and meeting with others to tie the tops with middles and backs. Help is also needed to sort donations of sheets, small blankets, and fabric and to size for use as middles. Kits are available for ladies who prefer to sew at home. Watch for announcements in CONNECT for specific meeting days and times.

Contact:  Dee Hodgdon 


Stephen Ministers provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care and support to people experiencing grief, divorce, cancer, job loss, loneliness, disability, relocation, and other life difficulties. These lay people are carefully selected and undergo 50 hours of specific training as well as participating in monthly continuing education. The Stephen Minister, also known as the Care Giver, is carefully matched with a hurting person of the same gender, referred to as the Care Receiver. They are trained to work with hurting people who still have coping skills. Stephen Ministry is comprehensive care. As close, confidential, and trusting relationships are established, the Care Giver is also trained to offer spiritual care, which is often overlooked in the healing process. The Stephen Minister makes a significant time investment in training, continuous education, and time preparing for and meeting with their Care Receiver. Stephen Ministry is a wonderful servant opportunity to help hurting people through Christ.

Learn More About Stephen Ministry at Living Word

Contact: Sue Carlson


Volunteers are needed to help lead and teach Sunday School for ages pre-K through 5th grade.  At least one adult over 18 is needed in each classroom, and youth in grades 6-12 can sign up to assist as well.  There are seven grade level classrooms, and it is not a weekly commitment since we will team teach.  


Contact:  Mark Dellagiacoma